

What is learning English?

I have been learning English for several years. For the last year I’ve been studying individually, I don’t go to courses. Somehow it happened that English became an important subject in my life. I’ve already lost track of the time I spent on this class, which helped me not to feel like a “black sheep” in the family, at work, in public life, and where I was not very active.

I think it’s all about the quality of teaching. If a teacher is a super expert in teaching English, loves his/her job and does it professionally, enjoys the process, then you always want to go to him/her, and even after graduation.

Unfortunately, nowadays it’s not enough to hear the excuse “I told you so” that you have to study well. Students are so built that they constantly want to improve, to achieve something. And that’s fine when you know what you’re aiming for, and if it’s reasonable.

Which is my personal opinion:

Came into the group and just drowned in the general mass of speech. Everyone was speaking in English from completely different topics. You never knew what language the person you were talking to was from. As a result, you forgot what you were already learning and just lost the thread of the conversation.

Can you teach in English in a group class? What for? And what will it give?

There wasn’t much practice in the class. My brain was used to working without any glimpses. And here we were switching from one language to another, and half of the group spoke only English.

When I studied Russian at school I listened very well, because I listened to a lot of Russian songs and broadcasts. Then, when I grew up, I read a lot in Russian. And today it is very interesting to hear that people pronounce English words.

I’m not a fan of English, English is my second foreign language after Russian. So there is always a lot of language practice in the classes.

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I can say that I went from “I want to read and speak English” to understanding the new vocabulary and English sentence construction.

The theory is good, but nothing can replace personal contact with a native speaker and learning materials.

As a rule, students who come to the course want to learn how to build sentences and how to speak. And the main goal of the course is to learn to speak well.

Classes are conducted in the form of games and with the use of all available materials. For some people, English is their native language, but now most of our students either don’t speak Russian at all or speak it very poorly.

basics of self-study

How to get an education abroad if there is a lack of funds?

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Education abroad is an integral part of the cultural life of any person. It gives the opportunity to get high quality knowledge, works for the future and allows you to fully reveal the potential of your personality. The fact that education abroad is provided in the best educational institutions of the world is also important. Moreover, applicants to foreign higher education institutions are rigidly selected and undergo additional training. Anyone wishing to enroll in a foreign university must have at hand a real argument that will seem to the potential student convincing and persuasive. So first it is necessary to think everything thoroughly, to weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the final decision.

How to enroll in a foreign university to meet the expectations of potential applicants? There are many ways to become a student abroad. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the first are the opportunity to study in a country whose language you know. Another advantage is getting a prestigious education in a country with a developed economy. The disadvantages include the cost of education, the need for multiple registration of visas and other documents, the difficulty of overcoming the language barrier. A very important role is also played by the education you get at a foreign university. You can, of course, go to a free tuition. But can it be called acceptable? It all depends on you – decide for yourself.

Nowadays there are quite a lot of programs that allow you to get an education in thousands of kilometers away from your home. One such program is the MBA (Master of Business Administration). The International Association of Business Administration (MBA) is an association of world leaders in the field of business education which unites 6000 educational institutions from 60 countries. In Russia this program was recognized as the best in the rating of the best business schools according to the results of the 2012 rating conducted by AK&M Agency. The MBA program, along with training students in fundamental and applied areas of management, provides an opportunity to undergo an internship in globally recognized companies, including representative offices of major international corporations, banks, and consulting companies. An MBA also opens the door to career success. That is why more and more people seek to enroll in programs at this level.

Universities that study such programs are called international. They are created on the basis of international agreements. This means that anyone can apply to a university outside of the country where he or she has already received an education. This approach makes international programs available to anyone who wants to.

Another way to study abroad is to have a good academic record.

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